Vote for Your Favorite Shaka Cola Merchandise

Our groundbreaking zero calorie, all natural cola won’t be available until the summer, so we’re thinking about doing a merchandise giveaway in the meantime. It would give fans a chance to win some cool gear and spread the word about Shaka Cola while you use it.

A long time ago, I learned a very simple and fundamental philosophy about branded merchandise from my friend Jeff. Giving people merchandise only matters if they like it and want to wear it. That has guided my philosophy about merchandise ever since. I’m hoping to find something that people would wear and use on an every day basis.

The other thing Jeff taught me was that the logo shouldn’t be the whole focus on the shirt. So I took a stab at creating some branded merchandise that I’m hoping people would be stoked to wear on a daily basis.

The idea would be that we would get some of these made and give them away to a few lucky people who enter a drawing. Anyhow, I would love to get some votes on which one of these you would wear and love the most.

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