Welcome to the wonderful world of Shaka Cola

We’re officially launching the website for Shaka Cola, a project that has already been close to my heart for most of 2019. Now we’re about to roll into the new year and only a few friends and family have heard me mention cola or ask about what kind of soda they drink.

My background

I’ve been a big caffeine person for most of my adult life. I drink a lot of cola and choosing between high calorie drinks and artificial sweeteners has nagged at me for a long time. With low carb diets becoming popular, other sweeteners are starting to become popular and I think we need a better choice.

For years I’ve worked at technology startups and I had the good fortune of working at one that was acquired. In that time, I’ve learned that I like being able to help my customers, whether in a big way or a small way. While a better soda might be a small thing, I feel like it can make a difference in people’s health and for the environment over the long haul.

So over 6 months, I tried recipe after recipe to find something healthier that also tastes delicious. I’ve also had a chance to reflect on what I can bring to the soda industry. Some questions that I’ve asked:

  • Does soda have to be associated with obesity and diabetes?
  • Why use plastic bottles if they don’t get recycled?
  • Is there a better way?

What we’re launching

I’m excited to share that I’ve found a zero calorie natural sweetener in monkfruit and a cola formula that I think is better than a lot of the diet colas on the market. So I’m working with partners to finalize the formula and make the first batch.

Here are some things that we will stand for to change the soda industry:

  • We will only develop zero calorie sodas
  • We will only ship our product in fully recyclable aluminum
  • We work to benefit our customers and all humanity through supporting charities fighting climate change

I’ll be sharing my experiences on this blog and you are welcome to follow along. We will be shipping our first batch of Shaka Cola in Spring/ Summer of 2020 and I hope you will give it a try.