Brand Guidelines

The Shaka Universe

The design style for Shaka Cola aims to plunge you into a unique tropical universe where we break the mold of standard soda companies. The style features bold colors, tropical elements and bubbles in multiple colors and sizes.

Shaka Scrawl Logo

This is our core logo, which can be used within the Shaka Bubble or on it’s own. The scrawl lettering is intended to convey a natural, beachy vibe. Bubbles are also a core design element, and can be various colors in the Shaka Universe.

Shaka World Logo

There are multiple variations of the Shaka World logo that can be used on various backgrounds or scale. These treatments are a core design element that communicate the lush tropical nature of shaka cola, depending on the scale or background where they are used.

Shaka Monochrome Logo Treatments

Variations on the shaka scrawl logo can be used, depending on context. These are especially useful when applying the logo on dark or various colored backgrounds. They can also be helpful to support a specific holiday or other theme. Working with colors from or close to the core brand colors is encouraged.

Shaka Photo Treatments

Whether you’re applying the shaka scrawl logo to a photo or looking to convey a specific feel for a design, a photo is a rich and powerful medium for conveying our brand. Make sure that there is an adequate shado and mask to ensure the logo is crisp and visible against the image.

Color Palette

The Shaka Universe is comprised of bold colors and organic tropical elements to represent a radical way of looking at cola while respecting and preserving our beaches and nature. Use the core colors depending on context and pull in others as necessary, but always try to match the tone to our core brand.


The shaka scrawl logo is hand drawn, but we also need highly readable and widely available fonts for digital and packaging applications. For headers, use Fjalla One font in header case and for body font, use Ropa Sans.